Our Story
Al Salam Foods Industries Company was established in 2013 .It is one of "Hema Sweet" companies for the food industry specialized in the manufacture of sweets and chocolate since 1960 .owned by the second generation of the Mr\Mohammed Shalabi Rajab family.Al Salam Foods Company specializes in the production of Rice Crispy, Corn Flakes, Crisps, Spicy Cereals and Panne Mixes.
Rice Crispy
Corn Flaks
Puff Wheat
Panne Mix
Our Products
Featured Products
Rice Crispy
Crunchy rice is made from a mixture of natural ingredients, namely:
(Wheat flour - rice flour - dried milk - whey - malt barley - table salt)
It is well mixed and cooked inside the machine under high pressure and heat.
(Wheat flour - rice flour - dried milk - whey - malt barley - table salt)
It is well mixed and cooked inside the machine under high pressure and heat.
Hi Wet product:
Weight 4 kg
High Rice Product:
Weight 4 kg
Rice Crispy Balls:
Weight 4 kg
Colored Crisp:
Weight 6 kg or 8 kg
Proud & Punch premium natural Rice Crispy
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Al Slama Foods
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Real butter, not margarine, and designs to be filled real.
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The paint you may slap on your face to impress boss.